RUF | Betten GmbH
Im Wöhr 1
76437 Rastatt
Tel. +49 (0) 7222 507-0
Fax +49 (0) 7222 507-207
Quality with letter and seal that customers can always rely on – that is the ultimate goal of the Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V. (DGM). Since the early 70s, we have carried the RAL quality mark “Golden M” of the DGM. Now the testing body has awarded us two further seals: With the “Original DMG Boxspring” mark and as a member of the “DGM Climate Pact”.
Orientation for customers through box spring quality label
Boxspring beds – there are a lot of them on the market at the moment, and this causes a lot of confusion for the end consumer. What is a good box spring and what should I steer clear of? In order to give customers some orientation, the DGM has now introduced a quality label that is only awarded to manufacturers whose boxspring beds have been closely scrutinised and which also meet the strict requirements of the DGM. RUF is proud to carry this label, because all BettenRUF box spring beds have been tested, certified and fully comply with the quality requirements of the DGM. Betten
You want to know more? In our “Did you know” section, many questions about “Your best sleep” are answered. Browse further here.
Participation in the DGM Climate Pact contributes to environmental protection
We have now received another award in the area of climate protection. Here, RUF has joined the DGM’s “Climate Pact for the Furniture Industry”. With this initiative, the members want to support the climate goals of the German government and the 1.5 degree target of the United Nations. The basis of the commitment to climate protection is the balancing of greenhouse gas emissions that BettenRUF carries out and thereby obtains its carbon footprint. “With its participation in the DGM Climate Pact, BettenRUF is making an important contribution to the environment. It can now also show this commitment to its customers through the DGM climate label,” says the German Furniture Quality Association. Betten
If you want to get an overview, here you will find all current quality labels and awards. Click on the labels to find out even more details.