RUF | Betten GmbH
Im Wöhr 1
76437 Rastatt
Tel. +49 (0) 7222 507-0
Fax +49 (0) 7222 507-207
A real all-round talent. If it’s perfect sleeping comfort you’re after, look no further than the COMPOSIUM from RUF. As with this bed system you can influence every detail – from different headboards, sizes and fabrics to the comfort of your bed base. You are also free to design your own ideas for the “inner life”. Be it as box spring bed with bed base or box spring bed with bed base and motorised adjustment. It’s your choice! But one thing is certain: the box spring is integrated and therefore not visible. This also means that you have a consistent look. In other words, a complete understatement and interior comfort you can’t see from the outside. Betten
Discover the almost unlimited possibilities of this system and decide for yourself how your own personal dream bed should be equipped.
Individuality knows no limits. The design possibilities for the COMPOSIUM do not end with the box spring version. The COMPOSIUM upholstered bed version with traditional spring wood frame also offers you numerous other options for your own personal dream bed.
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